The need to provide a negative PCR test result and agreement on the pa…
2020.12.21 15:10
+ 15
한국발 항공 방역등급 강화.pdf (96.6K)
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Uzbekistan announces an increase in the level of the Corantin Restrictive Measures regarding flights arriving in the Republic of Korea.
The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan has included the Republic of Korea in the list of countries of the "Red Zone", as a result of which passengers arriving from the Republic of Korea will have to provide evidence of a negative PCR test result and an agreement on the passage of quarantine. In the absence of these documents, there will be restrictions on boarding the aircraft.
More details can be found in the above file.
※ Source: Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Uzbekistan
※ Provided: Secretariat Korea Uzbekistan Business Association