Jung Sang Won Secretary General of the Association appointed as Honora…

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On 20 November, the National Quarantine Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a ceremony of appointment of TMS Global General Director Mr. Jung Sang Won as Honorary Advisor of the National Quarantine Service.

The ceremony was attended by Mr Kim Chang Keon, First Deputy Chairman of the Association, Mr Ergashev Ibrohim Kenjaboevich, Director General of the Plant Protection Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Mr Jung Sang Won, Secretary General of the Association, who presented a certificate of appointment and congratulated him on his appointment.

In recognition of his significant contribution to the development of agriculture in Uzbekistan by managing a 600 hectare agricultural farm (cherry and pomegranate production) in Fergana region, as well as his many contributions to the development of import and export industry, especially fruits and vegetables, he was appointed as an honourable advisor on this day and is expected to provide active support and cooperation in expanding bilateral agricultural trade between Korea and Uzbekistan and entering the world market.

※ Source : Korea Uzbekistan Business Association Secretariat