Meeting with Deputy Minister Sarvarkhon Buzrukhonov

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First deputy chairman Kim Chang Keon visited the Ministry of Education on January 11 and held a meeting with Deputy Minister Sarvarkhon Buzrukhonov.

During the meeting, various topics were discussed, such as the creation of a university and an international school, the educational projects that the Business Association is currently promoting through the creation of a consortium were explained and discussed, as well as the main agendas of the meetings within the framework of the official visit of the Deputy Minister scheduled for January 23 Sarvarkhon Buzrukhonov to the Republic of Korea.

During the meeting, Deputy Minister Sarvarkhon Buzrukhonov expressed deep interest in the various projects currently being promoted by the Business Association, promised active cooperation and support, and asked First deputy chairman Kim Chang Keon to provide special guidance and assistance for their successful implementation.

※ Source : Korea Uzbekistan Business Association Secretariat  

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