Training of the Donated Fire Engines and Fire Fighting Equipment Arri…

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Six fire engines, two ambulance vehicles, and various fire fighting equipment, which were donated to the Uzbekistan Emergency Department in cooperation with the Korea Fire Industry Association, Korea National Fire Agency, and  Korea - Uzbekistan Business Association, have arrived at Tashkent and Fergana provinces. 

Upon arrival, three officials from the Korean National Fire Agency went on a business trip to Tashkent and Fergana provinces in Uzbekistan for 15- 18 days. They conducted training about utilizing fire engines and various fire fighting equipment for Uzbekistan Emergency Department and related officials. This training was a great opportunity to pass on advanced Korean firefighting education and how to use advanced equipment to Uzbekistan's fire safety officials.

The donation of fire engines, ambulance vehicles, and various fire fighting equipment to Tashkent and Fergana provinces is a collaboration project by Incheon Fire Agency, Korea - Uzbekistan Business Association, and the Korea Fire Industry Association. Additional vehicles are being prepared within the second half of 2022 to continue donations to the Uzbekistan Ministry of National Defense and Syrdarya province.

Meanwhile, 2022 is a meaningful year to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and South Korea. Therefore, the donation of fire engines and fire fighting equipment is a significant project that can be a good opportunity for facilitating friendly cooperation between the two countries, especially in Uzbekistan's fire safety field.

※ Source : Secretariat of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association 

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