Going to Korea with Korea International University (KIUF) 3+1 Multi-De…

최고관리자 0 1678

"I will develop my skills in Korea and get a job at a good company in Korea.”

The visa issuance of 111 students at KIUF had been completed, and they took a flight to Korea.

A total of 111 students from Korea International University who completed the "3+1 Multiple Degree Program" left the country on Aug. 22 to study for a year at a Korean university.

Students entered the school in 2019 and have studied their major and Korean language intensively. While taking classes at a Korean university for a year, they will further improve their Korean language skills, experience various cultures, and complete a business practical curriculum.

At the launching ceremony held on Aug. 19, university officials reported their progress so far and said they hope to make it a good opportunity for students to develop practical skills in Korea.

Ergasheva Feruza (a senior/ tourism major) who left the country for the program said, "I am going to study at the Korean university that I have always dreamed of. I am very scared and excited at the same time because it is my first overseas experience, but I want to study hard for a year and go to graduate school at a Korean university. And if I get a master's degree, I want to get a job in a good company in Korea."

Han Jae Seok, President of Korea International University, said he will do his best to make sure the students receive Korean-style education when students enter, obtain diplomas from two universities through the 3+1 multi-degree program, and enter graduate schools at Korean universities and find jobs in Korea and Uzbekistan.


※ Source : Secretariat of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association