Video conference for the IP-Sharing project

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On August 18, a passionate video conference for the IP-Sharing project was held between KUBA(Korean Uzbekistan Business Association), KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office), KIPA(Korean Invention Promotion Association), Fergana Region and Embassy of Uzbekistan.


The meeting started with KIPO and KIPA introduction then briefings on global project cases and discussion about various new support projects that can be developed in a future-oriented way in Fergana region. In particular, consultations were held on specialized brand development, eco-friendly projects that can be developed into intellectual property, recycling, and agricultural-based on specialized support projects. In order to carry out this project in 2023, the main business item will be prepare the development within this year October and discuss the plan to make an official proposal.


Meanwhile, in order to make the project successful, Executive Vice President Kim Chang Keon promised to provide active support with continuous interest in the future along with various work flow proposals. 

※ Source: Secretariat of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association