Hanshin Engineering & Construction Starts New Town Development Project…

최고관리자 0 1015

On March 10, there was a final signing event for the government's approval (free transfer of business sites, etc.) between Governor of Fergana, Mr. Bozarov,

who was visiting Korea, and Hanshin Engineering & Construction's CEO Choi Moon-kyu, the director of our association, for the project that has been pursued so far. 

Immediately after the signing event of the agreement, the approval process of the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan's government cabinet was carried out.

The two sides agreed to complete the project within three years by 2024.

The project has been promoted by Mr.Kim Chang Keon(Edward Kim) the Chairman of the Association, with the Uzbek central government and the state government of Fergana after consultation 
with Hanshin Engineering & Construction since 2019. And based on this final agreement, the project has been approved and promoted quickly.

The Fergana Kokand New Town Development Project is the first Korean-style new city development project in Uzbekistan,

including about 5,125 households of Korean apartments and 200 townhouses.

The project is expected to be a major driving force in the development of Uzbekistan's construction industry.

※ Source: Secretariat of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association