"Governor Mr. Kim Tae-heum of Chungcheongnam-do Province Visits U…

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On May 5-7, an official delegation from Chungcheongnam-do province, led by Governor Mr. Kim Tae-heum, visited Tashkent and Fergana, the Republic of Uzbekistan, for three days.

The visit was organized to promote various cooperation through the interregional sisterhood relationships between Chungcheongnam-do province and Fergana Region, and was conducted as a return trip to further strengthen bilateral cooperation after Governor Mr. Khayrullo Bozarov of Fergana Region  signed a letter of intent for friendship and cooperation during his visit to Korea in March 2023.

In particular, during this mission, Sun Moon University (President Mr. Moon Seong-jae) and Suncheonhyang University (President Mr. Kim Seung-woo) in Chungcheongnam-do province visited together, and various consultations on cooperation in the field of education were held.

Regarding the official schedule of the visit of Chungcheongnam-do province to the Republic of Uzbekistan (Governor Mr. Khayrullo Bozarov's regional sisterhood relationship ceremony), the KUBA's First Deputy Chairman Mr. Kim Chang Keon took the lead in preparing all important schedules for the official visit of the delegation, especially the sisterhood relationships betwen the two regions, connection and support. In addition, Mr. Kim Chang Keon brought out various crucial opportunities by carrying out discussions and remarkable achievements through the joint meeting with Prime Minister Mr. Abdulla Aripov, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations Mr. Kungirotboy Sharipov, Minister of Sports Mr. Adkham Ikramov, and Chairman of the Korean Association of Korean Cultural Centers in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Viktor Park.

※ Source : Korea Uzbekistan Business Association Secretariat