Discussions with the Agency for Migration and Labour under the Cabinet…

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On 20 January, First Vice Chairman Kim Chang Keon visited the Migration and Labour Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and held talks with Deputy Minister Mr. Khusanov Azimjon and other key officials on worker dispatch and other relevant issues.

The main agenda focused on the issues of sending Uzbekistan's highly skilled labour force to Korea, especially to local governments, and the training of workers in each category (E9, E7, E8, etc.) before deployment, as well as the conditions for stable employment in Korea after arrival were discussed.

In particular, many Korean companies are facing severe labour shortages and the threat of depopulation, so local governments are actively requesting to send workers from Uzbekistan, and the Uzbek government has officially requested cooperation in this direction, and in the future, the Korea-Uzbekistan Business Association, Korean local governments and the Migration and Labour Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan have agreed to sign a trilateral agreement with comprehensive contents covering selection, training, guarantee, stable resettlement and employment of workers after dispatch, and full-scale continuation of the project.

※ Source : Korea Uzbekistan Business Association Secretariat