First Deputy Chairman of the Association Kim Chang Keon has been appoi…

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On February 25, Kim Chang Keon, First Deputy Chairman of the Association, was appointed as a Trade Advisor for Chungcheongnam-do Province by Governor Kim Tae-heum. In this role, he will actively collaborate with and provide guidance to leading companies in the province on overseas trade. This year, for the first time, Chungcheongnam-do established and implemented an ordinance governing the operation of overseas trade advisors. As part of this initiative, First Deputy Chairman Kim Chang Keon was appointed as an advisor specializing in the Eurasian region, including the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During the appointment ceremony, First Deputy Chairman Kim Chang Keon delivered a presentation on the Republic of Uzbekistan, a key hub of the New Silk Road with significant potential in emerging markets. He also conducted one-on-one consultations with interested companies, which were well received.

Meanwhile, First Deputy Chairman Kim Chang Keon currently serves as an International Advisor to Incheon Metropolitan City, a Policy Advisor to Pyeongtaek City in Gyeonggi Province, and a member of the Overseas Korean Support Council. Through these roles, he remains actively engaged in fostering friendship and economic cooperation between the Republic of Korea and Central Asian countries.

※ Source : Korea Uzbekistan Business Association Secretariat