Trends and economic impacts of Covid-19 in Central Asia and the Caucas…
2020.11.03 16:10
+ 11
중앙아시아 및 코카서스 지역의 코로나19확산 동향과 경제적 영향_KIEP.pdf (1.4M)
This data is a report published by the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and is based on a survey of "the trends and economic impacts of Covid-19 in Central Asia and the Caucasus region."
Please refer to it and use it as a useful material.
※Source: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
※Provided: Secretariat of Korea Uzbekistan Business Association
Please refer to it and use it as a useful material.
※Source: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
※Provided: Secretariat of Korea Uzbekistan Business Association