Building Infrastructure Council data collection for Q3 2020.
2020.09.10 15:27
+ 10
2020년 3분기 건설인프라 협의회 자료집_배포용.pdf (3.2M)
We would like to share the materials of the Building Infrastructure Council in Q3 2020.
Please refer to the attached file.
ㅇ Trends in energy projects in Uzbekistan (Embassy)
ㅇ Uzbekistan infrastructure market trend (KIND)
ㅇ PPP promotion system and opportunities (PPPDA)
ㅇ Current status of major PPP projects (PPPDA)
※ Source : Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Uzbekistan
※ Provided : Secretariat of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association
Please refer to the attached file.
ㅇ Trends in energy projects in Uzbekistan (Embassy)
ㅇ Uzbekistan infrastructure market trend (KIND)
ㅇ PPP promotion system and opportunities (PPPDA)
ㅇ Current status of major PPP projects (PPPDA)
※ Source : Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Uzbekistan
※ Provided : Secretariat of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association