A study of the perception of teachers of the Korean Saturday school to…
2020.06.24 11:00
+ 8
우즈베키스탄의 한글학교 교사의 민족 정체성 교육에 대한 실태 조사.pdf (945.2K)
This study suggests areas in which curriculum materials for the Korean Saturday school should be developed and curriculum established for young students studying heritage in Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
1. Introduction
2. Literary studies
3. Research method
4. Analysis
※ Source: KCI, Department of Korean Language and Literature, College of Humanities, Sukmyeon University
※ Provided : Secretariat of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association
1. Introduction
2. Literary studies
3. Research method
4. Analysis
※ Source: KCI, Department of Korean Language and Literature, College of Humanities, Sukmyeon University
※ Provided : Secretariat of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association