김창건 수석부회장 우즈베키스탄 국영 신문사 기고문

최고관리자 0 1658

On January 26, a videoconference was held between South Korean Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Hong Nam-ki and Uzbekistan  Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Umurzakov. 

The first high-level meeting of the deputy prime ministers between the two countries was held to check the progress of economic cooperation, especially to strengthen the cooperation in the field of health and medical cooperation. The conference also had the objective of examining the cooperation to join the WTO in Uzbekistan, cooperation in the digital field in preparation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the EDCF basic agreement in the new year. The discussions were held on cooperation measures in various fields that the two countries could develop while overcoming the global pandemic situations, such as the cooperation in establishing a health and medical care infrastructure.

A SUMMIT video conference between the HE two president is scheduled for the 28th, so it is expected that the conference would address more diverse and critical issues.

Through active meetings between the leaders and the deputy prime ministers of the economy of the two countries, the year 2021 is expected to have greater development in bilateral friendly cooperation than any other time.

In April of last year, the Korean-Uzbek Business Association, which was licensed by both governments through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was officially launched. Until then, there was no officially recognized economic organization between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Uzbekistan. However, with the establishment of the Business Association, we could expect great development in the economic sectors of both countries.

The Business Association is currently conducting various activities despite the challenging times due to the issues related to COVID-19. It serves as an official point of contact for companies seeking to enter the Uzbek market, provides various information, and supports related tasks such as video conferencing. It is playing a pivotal role in the economic development of both countries while continuously carrying out activities such as providing humanitarian aid and quarantine supplies. 

In particular, the Business Association has made plans to dispatch large-scale economic missions and medical services by chartering flights twice in the first and second half of this year. The Uzbekistan Business Association is also planning to promote a pivotal role through active support and cooperation in the economic cooperation and development, which the two governments have been promoting.

In the end, I would like to express that I have lived in three Koreas.

I lived in poor Korea when I was a child, and in the 80s and 90s when I was in school, I lived in Korea where economic development was achieved as a developing country for a long time, and now I live in advance Korea, one of the ten leading economic powers. Based on my experiences on such development history of the Republic of Korea, I would like to contribute to the economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the key nation of the New Silk Road that I genuinely love.


Korea – Uzbekistan Business Association

Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy of the Rep of Korea No 2020-09

Ministry of Justice of the Rep of Uzbekistan No 99


First Deputy Chairman : Kim Chang Keon (Edward Kim)

※ 관련뉴스 링크 : https://dunyo.info/ru/site/inner/vzglyad_iz_respubliki_koreya_2021_god_stanet_godom_eshte_bolee_aktivnogo_razvitiya_mnogoplanovogo_i_vzaimovigodnogo_sotrudnichestva_mezhdu_nashimi_stranami-PW5